Dr. Brij Bhambi: Don’t Be In A Rush To Get Rid Of Those Masks And There Is No Glory In Being Vaccine Resistant
Dr. Bhambi takes on the anti-vaxers and talks about the threats to our younger population.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: How Do We Prove We Are Vaccinated And How Does That Play Into Herd Immunity?
Mitigation measures work, but there simply isn’t a way to prove one has been vaccinated.
Dr. Brij Bhambi On The Covid Crisis In India And The Dangers Of New Viruses Coming From The Pandemic
Dr. Bhambi addresses herd immunity and California’s fight against the virus.
As Vaccinations Slow Down, Will We Reach Her Immunity In The U.S.? Dr. Brij Bhambi Breaks It Down
Resistance to the vaccine is growing and we learn more about the rush toward herd immunity and what happens if we don’t reach that goal.
JR’s 4-year-old daughter, Lily, has the coronavirus and Dr. Brij Bhambi answers his questions
JR Flores has already had the virus so does he need to quarantine because his daughter has it?
Dr. Brij Bhambi On The New Virus Lockdowns In Other Countries While We Open Here
Europe is about to have a "second summer" of lockdowns. Are we far behind?
Are We Near The End Of The Long Pandemic, Or Are There Surprises Ahead? Dr. Brij Bhambi Answers Those Questions And More.
It sure feels like we are emerging from the pandemic, but is it too soon to celebrate?
Dr. Brij Bhambi: Herd Immunity Is The Goal But The Solution Is A Global One
Dr. Bhambi warns that the entire world must reach herd immunity before we can put our guard down.
Dr. Brij Bhambi And Dr. Bill Baker Of Centric Health Discuss The Dangers Of COVID-19 “Brain Fog”
How serious is “brain fog” from Covid?
Dr. Brij Bhambi Hits A Note Of Confidence. Is The Long Pandemic At Its Natural End?
As the nation cautiously looks toward the end of the pandemic, Dr. Brij Bhambi celebrates science.
The Catholic Church Objects To The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Because It Was Derived From Abortions
Dr. Brij Bhambi and DA Cynthia Zimmer speak to the moral question of vaccines versus personal protection.
Dr. Brij Bhambi On Stigma Of Fetal Tissue In The Moderna And Pfizer Vaccines And The Promise of Johnson & Johnson
Listen to Dr. Bhambi talk about the differences between vaccines.
Dr. Brij Bhambi Answers Your Questions on the Coronavirus From A To Z
Dr. Bhambi takes the listener questions about the vaccines for the coronavirus.
The World Is In A Race To Reach Herd Immunity Before A More Dangerous Variant Takes Hold
Listen to Dr. Brij Bhambi talk about the race to achieve herd immunity.
Dr. Brij Bhambi On The Coming New Johnson & Johnson Vaccine And The Possibility Of Booster Doses
Dr. Bhambi addresses new vaccines coming on-like to fight the pandemic.
Virus Variant From Brazil Is Worrisome, Potentially More Lethal, And Is Already In The United States
Dr. Brij Bhambi and Dr. Norman Lepor of Beverly Hills weigh in on the dangers of virus variants.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: We Need To Vaccinate Two To Three Million People A Day Using Regular Doctors And Physicians
Dr. Bhambi says we need higher goals to vaccinate more people, up to 3 million a day.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: Getting The Second Dose Of The Vaccine Is Important For Maximum Protection
Dr. Bhambi discusses how important getting both doses of vaccine is.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: Events At U.S. Capitol Have Left Me "Deflated" But Left The World "Shell Shocked"
Dr. Bhambi calls for "love, compromise and camaraderie" as the nation gets past this week.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: Vaccine Rollout Is The “Last Mile” In The Fight Against COVID And We Are Falling Short Of All Over Our Goals
Cardiologist Bhambi said the Trump administration plans have fallen far short of their goals.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: We Are Seeing A Repeat Of Bad Behavior And We May Have To Start Rationing Care
Dr. Bhambi says to expect the death rate to go up in January.
Dr. Brij Bhambi Takes The Covid-19 Vaccine Without Side Effects And Talks About It
Dr. Bhambi and others at Bakersfield Heart Hospital get the vaccine and says “it is darkest before dawn.”
Two Doctors Urge Us All To Take The Covid Vaccine In A Symbolic Vote For America
Drs. Brij Bhambi and Norman Lepor weigh in on the coronavirus and unsubstantiated fears.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: Defiance To The Virus Equals Death... Hang On For Three More Months
Dr. Bhambi says winter is a friend of the virus, and we need to celebrate the arrival of vaccines as a victory.
Two Doctors From Centric Health Say The Infections Numbers Are Bad Here And Could Get Worse
Dr. Brij Bhambi and Dr. Kyle Heber of Centric Health speak to the virus locally in Kern County.
This Is the First Full Winter Of The Virus And It Could Be Ominous
The combination of the flu and the virus will mean more illness and deaths this winter if we are not careful, says Dr. Brij Bhambi
Dr. Brij Bhambi: New Surge In COVID-19 Here, And Still Masks Remain Our Best First Line Of Defense
The first line of defense remains the basics of social distancing, and wearing a mask.
The Bakersfield Heart Hospital Is Sold And Dr. Brij Bhambi Tells Us Why
Surgery Partners purchases the Bakersfield Heart Hospital.
Dr. Bhambi Discusses President Trump's Treatment
Dr. Bhambi join us from Utah and discusses the treatment President Trump received after his Covid-19 diagnosis.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: Development Of A Vaccine Cannot Be Rushed And Rolling It Out Will Take Time
Dr. Bhambi says the coronavirus is something "totally novel" and a vaccine should not be rushed.
The face mask, he says, is a "poor man's vaccine".
Dr. Brij Bhambi On The Coronavirus: "We Cannot Win Without A Mask"
Dr. Bhambi says the mortality rate in the U.S. is far above other industrialized countries.
Dr. Bhambi: Covid-19 Demands We Adhere To A Healthy Lifestyle... No Smoking And Get Your Exercise
Many of our problems are of our own making, Dr. Bhambi says, and it all has to do with eating right, exercising and not smoking.
Dr. Brij Bhambi Questions Trump's Handling Of The Protests And Urges Everyone To Speak Out
Dr. Brij Bhambi, founder of Centric Health and a local cardiologist, says people need to be heard when the nation is in turmoil or we risk more polarization. Honesty and candor are what is needed.
Dr. Brij Bhambi, An American By Choice, Laments Racial Disparity In Our Country.
Dr. Bhambi reacts to the protests across the country and says "silence invites the status quo."
Dr. Brij Bhambi Of Centric Health Says The Virus Is Largely Sparing The Young And Healthy
Dr. Bhambi says those less vulnerable should be allowed to go back to work since they are less likely to become gravely ill.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: We Must Move to Herd Immunity With Social Distancing
Dr. Brij Bhambi says herd immunity is the only way out of this pandemic. Listen as he explains how we get there.
Dr. Brij Bhambi Of Bakersfield Heart Hospital Breaks Down The Coronavirus
Dr. Brij Bhambi helps us understand the coronavirus; how it differs from influenza and what we all can do to stay safe.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: Our Failure To Wear Masks "Has Earned" Us A Second Wave Of Infections
Dr. Bhambi says we have failed ourselves and have "earned" the explosion of cases.
Dr. Brij Bhambi Says New Techniques And A Vaccine May Help Deal With The Virus In Six To Eight Months
Citing a "trust deficit", Bhambi says the challenge will be overcoming cynicism and a lack of trust in government and medical experts.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: Up To Half The U.S. Population May Eschew A Covid-19 Vaccine
Is it possible that half of us would refuse to get vaccinated?
Dr. Brij Bhambi: Potential Covid-19 Vaccines Have Shown Durability
Potential vaccines have shown they can last six months or longer with few side effects.
Dr. Brij Bhambi Says We Are "Inviting Disaster" If We Don't Adhere To Social Distancing
There is a surge in coronavirus cases in Kern County and a leading doctor warns we should continue to practice social distancing.
Dr. Brij Bhambi Warns The Bad Air And Smoke Could Lead To Heart Issues
Dr. Bhambi also addresses the coronavirus and the experience on college campuses.
Dr. Brij Bhambi Says Flattening The Curve Has "Flattened The Economy"
Dr. Bhambi says we need to move toward the "middle ground", which means protecting the vulnerable.
Dr. Brij Bhambi: We Are Still Early In The Fight Against The Corona Virus- Stay Vigilant
Dr. Bhambi said we all may be facing quarantine fatigue, but the virus knows no fatigue.
Dr. Brij Bhambi Calls Out "Selection Bias" To Question Accelerated Doctors
Listen to Dr. Bhambi talk about how statistics are used to justify conclusions on Covid-19 policy.
Dr. Brij Bhambi Warned Against The "Trivialization" Of Covid-19 By Comparing It To The Flu
Dr. Bhambi says shame on those who dismissed this virus...
Dr. Brij Bhambi: Public Distrust Could Undermine An Otherwise Excellent Covid-19 Vaccine
Dr. Bhambi talks about the challenges of finding the right vaccine and earning the public's trust.
Dr. Brij Bhambi Warns The Virus Could Come Back "With A Vengeance"
Dr. Bhambi: "Despite all our efforts, if we lead the foot off the gas the coronavirus could come back with a vengeance".
New Tools Coming Forward To Fight As Doctors Seek To Minimize Exposure
Dr. Brij Bhambi says experts are looking at new tools to fight the ongoing pandemic.
Medical Expert Says Lack Of Transparency By China Could Have Caused Thousands Of Lives
Dr. Brij Bhambi, cardiologist at Bakersfield Heart Hospital, warns we need universal, reliable testing going forward.